Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 123 - What is it?

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     Intentionally out of focus shot for this "What is it?" shot. So, what is it?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 122 - Stacey

(click image for larger)
     Went out front to see about shooting a few pics of the flowers Stacey had planted. I thought she made for a much better subject.

    7D and EF100mm f/2.8 Macro USM (1/100 sec @ F/11, ISO800) Processing done in Lightroom and CS4.

Day 121 - Blurry

(click image for larger)
     This is a shot of the sun through the tree in my front yard. This is one of my attempts at trying to capture images to later mask in as a background.

     Let's be honest here, it really doesn't matter what this was shot with.

Day 120 - astrojax

(click image for larger)
     My friend Chip has a pair of old school astrojax that were returned to him after many, many years missing at our last office location. When I saw these new astrojax I just couldn't pass up getting them.

     7D and EF24-70 f/2.8L USM (70 mm, 1/20 sec @ F/3.2, ISO640)

Day 119 - Xander and all you can eat pizza...

(click image for larger)
     This is was a common site on the cruise and often several times a day. There was pizza constantly made and available right here on the Lido Deck. Xander loved chowing down on all the pizza and frozen yogurt he could possibly handle.

     7D and EF24-70 f/2.8L USM (62 mm, 1/200 sec @ F/3.2, ISO100)

Day 118 - Balcony View

(click image for larger)
     Here's a 180 degree view from our room's balcony on the second to last day. It was an absolutely beautiful day.

     This was a fun one photographically, I like the odd unnatural view it gives. It has a couple of small flaws in it I'm going to have to go back and correct at some point. This panorama was done using 8 different image. They was shot using the Tokina 11-16 I rented from the great folks at LensProToGo. This is a fantastic lens and I can't wait to give it more of a run through in some of the parks back home.

Day 117 - Poker

(click image for larger)
    I spent many hours at this table this cruise. Nearly the entire time I played I sat at the seat farthest back in this shot. It must have been a lucky spot since I didn't walk away from the table down any of the times I played. I have a ton of other interior shots of the ship I'll upload when I get the chance.

     7D and Tokina 11-16 f/2.8 (11 mm, 1/25 sec @ F/2.8, ISO400)

Day 116 - Dream and Freedom

(click image for a larger version)
    Here's a shot of the ship we were on the Carnival Dream . Behind it is a slightly smaller ship the Carnival Freedom. This was taken after a long hike around the bay in St. Thomas.

     This is another panorama and this time I used the 7D with the 24-70 2.8L. This one is another smaller merge using only 3 images.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 115 - Lido Deck

(click image for larger)
     This is a shot of the Lido Deck (Deck 10) on the Carnival Dream during one of the activities they were having. I stood on a chair to get the images for the pano, but I would have been better off going up a couple of levels and shooting without so much in the way.

     7D and the Tokina 11-16mm I rented @ 11mm. This one was made similar to the last, but only using 4 images this time.

Day 114 - Atlantis Paradise Island

(click image for larger)
     Here's a quick panorama I threw together of Atlantis on Paradise Island (Nassau Bahamas).

     This was shot with the 7D (as usual) and the 100-400L@100mm. I used CS4's Photomerge feature to build the pano. This one was made using 9 different images.

Day 113 - Pelican

(click image for larger size)
     Just after boarding we were hanging out on the balcony and these guys were flying by all over the place. Sometimes they were so close you swore you could reach out and touch them.

     I'll have photos of the ship up sometime after I get a chance to go through them all.

      7D and EF 100-400 f4.5-5.6L IS USM (235 mm, 1/3200 sec @ F/5, ISO400)

Day 112 - KSC Shuttle Mid Deck

(click image for larger size)
     We hit the Kennedy Space Center first thing after getting into Orlando. Great, great place especially if you love NASA and all the great work they do. This is the mid-deck of the shuttle they have on display.

     7D and Tokina 11-16 f/2.8 (16 mm, 1/50 sec @ F/2.8, ISO800)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 111 - Tokina First Shot

Decided to take a break from going through all my crap for the trip to take a quick shot with the Tokina. Wow is lens going to be fun. I'm practically on top of the car taking this and I love how wide this glass is. This is going to be fantastic for areas with less room and landscapes.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 110 - Tokina 11 - 16

     I've been wanting to give this UWA lens a try for a while now. My upcoming vacation seemed to be the perfect time to run it through its paces so I rented it from the great people at LensProToGo. I can't wait to see what I'm able to get with this.

Day 109 - The World Cup is more important ...

     It was getting late and I still hadn't shot my pic of the day. It was take the time to set up for a shot or watch the game that was on. A World Cup game will win every time.

Day 108 - Concept

     This is a shot of the fan in my office. I've had a concept running through my head and how to process it. The fan became my processing guinea pig. Let me know what you think.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 107 - Spyder 3

    This is my Spyder 3 monitor calibration tool. At the top is a sensor the adjusts that detects the ambient light in the room. The blue light slowly fades in and out. I can't help to think sometimes that it's watching me...

Day 106 - Nike Free

    I finally got another pair of Nike Free shoes. I loved my last pair and wore them completely out. I finally got around to getting another pair. Some of the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn.

Day 105 - Cleaning Cloth

     This is the lens cloth that isn't apparently doing its job very well based on yesterday's photo.

Day 104 - Dirty Lens

    Dirty, dirty lens. This the lens on my GoPro HD, the same camera I used for yesterday's shot. Where does all the dang dust come from.

Day 103 - On the Trail

     This isn't a normal shoot from me. I've taken up cycling as a part of getting in shape and like to ride some of the great trails we have in the area. On this day I decided to take my helmet cam along for the ride and see what shots I could get out of it.

Day 102 - mmmmMonster

     Oh Lo-Carb Monster how would I survive without you. Once again I was downing a Monster or two while post processing photos. Like little cans of heaven...

Day 101 - CompactFlash

     I was busy processing and importing photos from the OXF 17 show when it came time to for my shot of the day. This is a stack of some of the CF cards I used for the show.

Day 100 - Ohio Xtreme Fighting 17: OnSlaught

     What a great show OXF 17 was. Lots of great fights and it was good to see everyone again. This shot says it all, from the look on the ref's (Greg Franklin) face to the fighter putting everything he had into his punch going completely airborne. If you haven't made a show yet make sure you don't miss the next in September.

You can find the rest of the photos from the fight here: OXF 17 OnSlaught

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Never enough time

I haven't abandoned the blog even though it may seem like it with the slow down between updates. I've just been busy finishing up a project and getting caught up processing some other photos. I'll get the days all caught up and posted by this weekend.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 98 - External Drive

     I was sitting at my desk working and decided to grab a shot of one of the external drives sitting on my desk.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 97 - Air Car

     Love science projects. Here's my son's air car I helped him finish up. It has to be able to go 40cm for an A+ and 42cm for bonus points. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.... this bad boy goes 14 FT on half the recommended turns to tighten the rubber band!

Day 96 - On the Wall

     Day 39 hanging on the wall in my office.

Day 95 - 1000rr

   I decided to play with some quick lighting outdoors while I had a few minutes. It was actually light outside for this shot. I have some parts disappearing into the back ground and a few harsh reflections, but I'm pretty happy with my first attempt.

Day 94 - Mute