Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 3 - A "What is it?"

     So this is my first of what I'll call a "What is it?" and these will be shots taken where you can figure what it is or what it's a part of. Of course the more detailed and specific the answer the better. Sometimes I may give hints, but this isn't one of those times. I know plenty of people this will be an easy one for. Stacey doesn't get to play since she saw me shoot it.

    Shooting details on this one: 7D and 100mm macro again @ 1/250, f/4. Used an always trusty 580ex for flash again and also used an umbrella again. This time I bounced into the umbrella with a back instead of shooting through like I did with the test monkey.


jonypopo said...

looks like a crank system on bindings, roller-blades or boots

Jeremi said...

You got it pretty close. It is part of a crank system on bindings.